Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Z A N S H I N: Searching For Black-Belt-ness

Z A N S H I N__
Dick Morgan

                                       Searching for Black Belt-ness

What is that particular quality a panel of judges looks for in a black belt candidate? I’ve been asking myself this question ever since I received my first Hapkido black belt in 1974. I didn’t understand it then; most candidates testing for black belt have no clue what their judges are looking for. But, after more than 30 years of evaluating black belt candidates under the watchful and intense scrutiny of Grandmaster Garrison, I have learned a few things about what is expected of a black belt in the World Oriental Martial Arts Federation. I’ll try to articulate some of this if I can.
Most candidates assume the black belt test is about performing technique flawlessly. Of course the judges are looking to see if the candidate knows how to punch and kick well, and whether he (or she) can throw an opponent. As for performing flawlessly, that can only be accomplished in the absence of an opponent. The black belt candidate should be able to do basics and forms flawlessly. But that’s just the beginning, to see whether the candidate is wasting the judges’ time. The real test begins when the candidate faces an opponent. Then, the concept of flawless becomes irrelevant. Each opponent is different; each attack is different. Attack dynamics change moment to moment. The judges don’t expect flawless performance. If the opponent is worthy, he should not allow a flawless technique to be executed on him. Not on a black belt test. A worthy opponent should challenge the black belt candidate; he should try to remain on balance, counter the candidate’s technique if he can safely do so, and strike back if the candidate exposes a vulnerable area unawares. The black belt candidate should feel like he is in a serious struggle.
The judges are looking for how the black belt candidate handles uncontrolled adversarial energy. Can he adapt his techniques to handle a counter? Does he flow from one technique to another as the adversarial dynamic changes? Is he continuously seeking positional advantage, or does he become defensive, and only fend off his opponent’s attack without attempting to control him?
The judges are looking for a quality of being that exists above and beyond technique, a quality of which technique is only an expression, a gauge. This quality is not physical, although good physical condition is a prerequisite.
And strictly speaking, it is not mental either, although the candidate must “know” his body of techniques and have a thorough understanding of the history and philosophy of his martial art. The quality the judges are looking for is physical, mental, and something more as well. It is an almost spiritual quality which has come to be called Black-belt-ness.
Black-belt-ness is a strong state of mind which exhibits an intense personal force-of-being-- an intent, confidence, and tenacity that cannot be vanquished by adversity. Black-beltness is the end result of long years of practice, during which the interaction with opponents has become increasingly challenging. Over time, a student will be able to interact with an opponent who does not have to cooperate with his own defeat.
Warrior Mind components:
  1. Intent and tenacity
  2. understanding of principles
  3. body intelligence and flow
  4. desire and commitment.
        There is another essential element of black-belr-ness; personal integrity. A black belt candidate must have a personal value system which guides their decision making process. A person in a physical challenge must instantly know how to behave. He may have a difficult decision to make; he may have to hurt an attacker to defend himself or someone else, and he will not have time to ponder the decision. That is why a good master instructor requires unwavering respect and manners from students at all levels. Then it's absence is more quickly recognized.
A candidate for black belt should have his ethics firmly embedded in his entire thought process so that he will know how to act without having to think about it.
It is easy to teach students how to hurt someone. It is more difficult to teach then when.

With great ability comes great responsibility.

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